Mizu Logo

Unified Liquidity Layer

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Liquidity Fragmentation is Draining
Value—We’re Stopping It

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Liquidity fragmentation limits efficiency and access to opportunities. Users waste time navigating isolated ecosystems.

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Bad ux, unsustainable incentivisation mechanisms.

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Mizu unifies liquidity, eliminating the need to move assets between chains. .

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Effortless, efficient liquidity flow, maximizing yields with minimal friction.

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Mizu logo
Industry competition is generally a good thing however, our fight over liquidity has created a war of attrition,where time and money is wasted through unsustainable incentive programs. If chains no longer have to fight to attract liquidity, we can focus on more productive applications that attract new users.

Supported & Backed By

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mizu is modular,
not maximalist

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Unified liquidity anytime, anywhere & for everyone

Eliminates the need for trust in a single authority, empowering individuals and organizations to connect into a unified liquidity across the Web3 ecosystem.

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Unlock new use cases and peripheral yield for locked liquidity on Mizu with PoP

Opens up innovative use cases, enabling liquidity to be more versatile and productive. Mizu’s PoP framework transforms locked liquidity into a dynamic asset that can be reinvested, creating a more efficient and rewarding financial ecosystem.

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Optimal and capital-efficient liquidity marketplace

Liquidity is distributed in a way that maximizes availability and utilization, ensuring that participants can access the funds or assets they need quickly and without unnecessary waste.

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Mizu will be an L2 built on

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background of a lake x Mizu

Mizu uses Movement SDK to enhances chain's smart contract flexibility and execution speed across multiple chains, optimizing its performance for developers and users.

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Avail serves as Mizu’s Data Availability layer. State of the art, scalable to any use case and fast finality for sub second completion.

UNified liquidity,
Amplified rewards

Maximize your potential with seamless liquidity integration and rewards tailored to your blockchain experience

2024 @ Mizu. All rights reserved.